From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

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Noise and feedback loops

Noise and feedback loops - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

Noise and feedback loops

- Let's talk noise and feedback. These are tools that are sometimes overlooked by modern synthesists and they're super powerful, super helpful. There's so much great stuff that you can do using the simple noise and feedback functions that we have here in Massive X. Now, what I've done to start of with is I'm going to turn up my noise generator here. Let's jump over to the routing page and let's make sure that our noise generator at least the first one is going to make it into the filter okay, looks like it is. I'm going to grab my performer, I just made a simple sequence and let's use the performer to give us some simple modulation, let's take a listen. (electric music) Okay cool. Now I'm going to grab a switcher LFO, let's play with that resonance. Okay, let's go to my switcher LFO, switch it to bipolar. (electric music) All right, I like that, I like where that's going. So let's go ahead now and get back over to…
