From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

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LFO setting and routing

LFO setting and routing - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

LFO setting and routing

- [Instructor] All right let's talk periodic modulation. What do I mean by that? I mean repeating. Repetitive modulation. Something like an LFO right? I love LFOs, low frequency oscillator. We can use this for repetitive periodic modulation. Handy for a ton of different things. And in Massive X, the LFOs are on a whole other level. We can do really simple stuff, but we can also really experiment. So let's talk about 'em. The main LFO in Massive X is the switcher LFO. We can see it right here. Again, we have this dropdown. We can change any of these modulators into any of these other modulators. But let's take a look at the switcher LFO. And I'm just going to grab it. This is LFO number five. And let's go over to pitch here. And I'm just going to go ahead and just add a little bit of pitch modulation here. And because we're in bipolar mode now. It means it's going to go up by about two tenths of a semitone…
