From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

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Basic layout and signal flow

Basic layout and signal flow - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

Basic layout and signal flow

- [Instructor] Now the first step in getting to know Massive X is going to be to start understanding a little bit about the signal flow. Now this is a synth that goes very very deep, and there are a lot of different things that we can customize about it, but let's just start with the basic flow in this, in-it Massive X preset here. Now, one thing I'm going to do cause I like it, and I can, I'm going to go to "Theme" over here just in this dropdown menu and I'm going to change it to dark cause it feels a little close to home, for me, reminds me a little bit more of original Massive and you know, change is tough for some people. So let's start out over on the left hand side we've got our oscillators, there's a whole lot of different stuff we can do with these oscillators and don't worry, we're going to get to it all. But basically we have two oscillators. We can listen to either one of those, we can split between them, we…
