From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

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Advanced feedback filter modes

Advanced feedback filter modes - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

Advanced feedback filter modes

- [Instructor] Massive 10 has some experimental filters that don't filter the way that you might be used to. They're actually using feedback more akin to the way a chorus or a flanger would, which is super cool. Remember, that resonance is based on feedback, but this is just taking it to a whole nother level. So first things first, we have our comb filter. A comb filter basically creates a delayed signal and then mashes it up against the original signal, but delays it very slightly, very, very slightly. And what that does is it creates resonant peaks and troughs similar to a comb. And so the comb filter has its own pitch. Right now, we have it set to Key Tracking. We can also do Fix or Ratio just like with our oscillators. And I'm going to push it up a fifth, just for fun. The comb filter has feedback, okay? 'Cause it's a delay line, so it's got that feedback. We have a few modes. The exciter is better for sort of physical…
