From the course: Learning Loom

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Share your videos

Share your videos - Loom Tutorial

From the course: Learning Loom

Share your videos

- [Instructor] The big advantage of using Loom to record videos is that your videos are automatically uploaded as soon as you're done recording and they're ready to share with others right away. Loom also offers ways for your viewers to interact with the video and to leave feedback. I'm currently signed in to my Loom account and looking at the My Videos area where all of my videos are stored. To share a video, just start by clicking it. And again, this is where you can view your video and just like with any regular camera app, once you hit record, you can just start talking. I'll just pause that and mute it for now. But there's several ways to share a video. We have this share button down here. And that gives you lots of options like copying a link to the video so that you can then paste it into an email or text message and so on. Or for something more visual, you can create a linked GIF, which as you can see, generates…
