From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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Work with reports

Work with reports

- [Instructor] There's a reason we access our dashboards from the reports dropdown. That's because what we see on the dashboard is a snippet of a few of the reports available to us here in HubSpot, so we're going to talk more about reports now, and you may have noticed my dashboard looks a little bit different. We can pick and choose which reports show up on the dashboard and which ones do not. For example, as we scroll down if you see something like sales performance and decide I don't need to track this, get a bird's eye view on my dashboard everyday, I can go to this report when I need it, click the actions dropdown and from here choose remove from dashboard. You can see things shift around and the order might change a little bit. You may have also noticed the hand that appears as we hover over these, that's because we can move them around. So, if we want to change their order up a little bit we can do that. Drag this one up into this spot, there we go. To get those back we go up…
