From the course: Learning How to Increase Learner Engagement

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Use index cards

Use index cards

- One often overlooked tool for building engagement is the use of index cards. Index cards are highly versatile. They're small, easier to carry than reams of paper, and are relatively inexpensive. Best of all, index cards can be used in a variety of manners to foster engagement. A simple way of using index cards is to give each learner three index cards, each of a different color. A red, a green, and a yellow. Then, at certain times during your instruction or group discussion or lecture, stop and ask the learners to hold up a green card if they understand the material. Ask them to hold up the yellow card if they sort of understand the material. And the red card if they don't understand it at all. It's a quick way to get a sense of the class's level of understanding, can help you decide if you need to review content or if you can move on. Index cards can also be used to facilitate conversations. A technique I use is to first provide each learner with a blank index card. Have each…
