From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

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Where to post your song?

Where to post your song? - FL Studio Tutorial

From the course: Learning FL Studio 12

Where to post your song?

- Now that you have finished producing your track and completed the mastering stage, the next stage is distributing your music. Now whilst this course can not possibly hope to cover this entire topic in one video, as it is a separate subject in its own right, there are some pointers we can tell you that will give you an idea of what to do next. For instance, there are several music distribution services, such as TuneCore, CD Baby, and Ditto Music, that will help you distribute your music online to services such as Spotify, ITunes, and Apple Music. They'll help you get your music on hundreds of digital stores, and they'll help you distribute your music whilst paying a small amount and then also pay out royalties to you as well. CD Baby is particularly useful, as they also do physical distribution as well, which means that you can get your songs actually in record shops and so on. Finally, let's look at two free services that you can use to get your music online, out there, and heard by…
