From the course: Learning Everyday Math

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Why practice mental math?

Why practice mental math?

- When learning math, it's really important to build basic skills by doing simple calculations in your head. So, a few things to remember about mental math. Frequency builds skill, so the more you do it, the more you're going to get good at it. So, things like adding numbers in your head, multiplying numbers in your head, these are things you want to do as much as you can throughout the day whenever you get the chance, things like, knowing what, you know, 7 plus 8 is without having to count on your fingers, and knowing your times tables. Practice these things until they become automatic. So, another benefit to doing this - it's going to conquer some of the math fear or math anxiety that you have. People who have math anxiety really tend to shy away from doing even the simplest things in their head. And that, of course, as you might imagine is going to make them worse at math over time, so the more you can do these little math calculations in your head, the easier it's going to be to…
