From the course: Learning Everyday Math

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- So in this movie I'm gonna cover our last geometry concept for the course: Volume. So volume is the measure of how much space there is within a three-dimensional object like a box. So you can see I've drawn a couple of 3D shapes here. So let's look at this box. If we think, imagine all the space within it, that's its volume. So we express volume in cubic inches. Remember for area we expressed it in square inches, or square meters or square things. We're gonna express volume in cubic inches, because it's three-dimensional. So let's say this box has a length, a width, and a height. And that's actually the formula for volume. Length times width times height. So let's say that this side of the box down here is 5, let's say that this dimension is 3, let's say this is 4. It doesn't really matter which side you call the length and which side you call the width, you're basically just measuring each part of the box. So to calculate the box's volume, we would just do 4 times 3 times 5. So 4…
