From the course: Learning Everyday Math

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- In this movie I'm gonna explain how to use the concept of volume to figure out how many gallons of water you're going to need to fill a rectangular aquarium and later to fill up a cylindrical hot tub. So, let's say you just bought an aquarium that is four feet long by two feet wide by three feet high. And let's say you need to get a certain number of gallons of filtered water for this aquarium and I'll give you a conversion here to make it a little bit easier. One cubic foot, so remember we measure volume in cubic units, so one cubic foot is the same thing as about seven and a half gallons. So, we need to really figure out, 'cause we usually measure water in gallons, how many gallons of water do we have to get for this tank. So, when we find the volume of the tank, we're gonna find it in cubic feet and then figure out from there how many gallons we need. So, remember to find the volume of a rectangular box we just use the formula length times width times height. So, in this case we…
