From the course: Learning Everyday Math

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Understanding translation

Understanding translation

- In this movie, I'm going to explain how you can translate certain English words into math, to find solutions to problems. So you see this list of words that I just wrote here. These are all common words that we can translate if we see them in a math problem, into math from English. And you might see some of these in every day life too, and find the opportunity to do some math if you have to. So let's start with sum. Sum means to add, so if said the sum of five and seven, that would just be five plus seven. Difference means to subtract. If I said the difference of 10 and eight, it would be 10 minus eight. The word product means to multiply. So the product of four and seven, would just be four times seven. The word of means to multiply as well, I'll show you an example of that in a second. The word to, and the word per, both mean division. So if I said the ratio of a to b, that would translate to a divided by b. The words what or how many, in a math problem are often something that we…
