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Calculating average price

Calculating average price

- All right, in this movie I'm gonna show you how to calculate the average price of an item when there's a discount like buy two get one free, or when you're combining two differently priced bulk items, like things like coffee beans. So before I do that, let me just give you a quick definition of how to do an average. So let's say you had three different apples. One of them was 6 oz in weight, one of them was 4 oz, and the third one was 8 oz. You wanted to find out what is the average weight of the apples per apple. So for an average equation what we do is, we add up all the values, and divide by how many values there are. So in this case, there's three apples. And that is our average. So if we do that math, we're gonna get, 6 plus 4 is 10, plus 8 is 18 oz, divided by 3, so our average, and if we do that math we're gonna end up with an average weight for the apples of 6 oz. So I'll clear my screen to give you an example of this at a store. Okay, so let's say you're at a store, and…
