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Basic probability

Basic probability

- Okay, in this movie, I'm going to explain a little bit about the concept of probability. So we are going to find out ways to figure out the probability of one thing happening and also the probability of multiple things happening in conjunction with each other. So the example I want to use here is thinking about flipping a coin. So let's say I have a coin, and, that's the president on the coin, that's heads. So, I think that most of us know the odds of getting heads on a coin flip, right? Because there's only two options, heads or tails. So, the odds of getting heads on a coin flip are 1 out of 2. That's actually a really easy way to get into a probability equation. A probability equation is the number of things that we want to happen divided by the total number of possibilities. So I'll write that out. So I've phrased that like the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total possibilities. So again for our coin flip, let's say we're calculating the odds of getting…
