From the course: Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organization

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Set a shared goal: Mission countdown

Set a shared goal: Mission countdown

- Creating products and services today is inherently multidisciplinary. Whether it's a technologist and business strategist or physicians and interaction designers, everyone on the team brings a different set of skills needed to make a great product. One of the biggest challenges and failure points is keeping all of that skill, expertise, and passion focused on the same goal. Agreeing on the problem you are trying to solve and why you're solving for it will set the stage for your team's successful design-thinking collaboration. One of my favorite tools for team alignment is the Mission Countdown. It's a 45-minute activity that takes a team from those long, verbose, and hard to follow mission documents that are often created, down to a tight, four word summary of what we are trying to do, why, and for whom. At the end of this activity, you'll have a four word mission statement like "Accelerate Health Through Relationships." This answers what are we trying to do, accelerate health, and…
