From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Stages of awareness

Stages of awareness

- How long should your copy be? It's a common question. When I optimized the onboarding email sequence for a software company, the copy I wrote was two to three times longer than the control. I also reorganized the emails to follow a new flow. These longer emails in this new flow brought in 3.5 times the paid conversions versus the control copy. That's a paid lift of 350%. Now we would not have had that lift without one simple concept, stages of awareness. Stages of awareness are the spectrum of your prospect's readiness to convert to a paying customer. They dictate how long your copy should be as well as the flow of your argument. So let's start with the five stages of awareness. At one end of the spectrum is unaware, at the other, most aware. An unaware prospect isn't a good prospect for your offer at this time, a most aware prospect is. We want to get all prospects for our offer to that most aware stage. To…
