From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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Riffing on the classics

Riffing on the classics

- One of the best sources of inspiration for developing memorable characters is starting with a story, a really great story, like a contemporary classic or one that's been illustrated dozens of times, can provide an inspiration for new ideas or help you to investigate your own fresh approach to envisioning known characters. When I was asked to illustrate the classic tale "The Wind in the Willows," I was daunted by the luminaries who'd already traveled this text and provided amazing visions for Toad, Mole, Ratty, and Badger, like Ernest Shepard and Arthur Rackham, two of my illustration heroes. For that reason, I think it's wisest not to look at other illustrators work when you're starting to think of your own designs and just read the text to let your mind create its own visions of the characters without visual influence. I read the story about 13 times and without other illustrators images. By being so familiar with the text, I was able to picture each of the characters with clarity.…
