From the course: Learning BigQuery

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External BigQuery tables

External BigQuery tables - BigQuery Tutorial

From the course: Learning BigQuery

External BigQuery tables

- [Instructor] In this demo, we will create an external table in BigQuery by pulling in data from a Google spreadsheet before querying and then visualizing its data. First, you will note that I have brought up an empty Google spreadsheet, which I am going to populate with the contents of an Excel file on my own filesystem. You can follow along with me by pulling up a spreadsheet, and then heading over to Import, then choose the option to upload from the filesystem. We could drag and drop in here, or hit this button, and then navigate to this Honey Production file. This is included in your course materials, but could also be downloaded as a CSV file from this location on before converting to Excel. I'll just go on and pull in the Honey Production data into the Google spreadsheet. You will need to supply a few confirmations here, but soon enough, the data is loaded. You'll observe that this includes various…
