From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

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Start creating a new course

Start creating a new course

- [Instructor] Well now that we've previewed the course we're going to be creating and have a good idea where we're headed, it's time to start the new course. And here from the Rise 360 home screen you can see New Course up in the top left-hand corner. That's a button. Give it a click, and you'll be prompted for some information: course title, and a description down below. Let's start with the title. Now because I already have Hansel & Petal Franchisee Orientation, I'm going to name this a little bit differently. You can do the same if you like. Hansel & Petal, and then I'm going to add the word new. New Franchisee Orientation, like so. By default you're the author. You'll see your name, and if you've added a photo to your Articulate account, you'll see that too. Otherwise you're probably seeing initials, but down below is where we describe our course, and all you have to do is type in exactly what you want at the top of your course, before anyone gets in to any of the lessons. So you…
