From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

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Collaborate on a course

Collaborate on a course

- [Instructor] If you want help with the creation or editing of your Rise 360 project, you can collaborate with others. There's a couple of different options we're going to explore in this movie. First of all, from within the course, when we go up to SHARE you'll notice that there is something called Collaborators where you can invite team members to edit your course. When you go to View collaborators, down below you'll simply add the email, someone in your organization who also is signed up with Articulate 360 will then be able to access, from the email, your link to the file that they'll open up in Rise 360 and work on, just the way you are. Now unfortunately with the free trial, it's difficult to do. You need to be a team member, so in Articulate 360, when you set up in your account, in your organization, if there are multiple people who will be using Rise 360, they would be set up as team members, that way you can send them the email and they'll be able to access and work on the…
