From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

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Add other question types

Add other question types

- [Narrator] Aside from the choice type questions we can add to a quiz, multiple choice and multiple response, there are a couple We have fill in the blank and matching questions we can add which we are going to explore in this movie, let's start by going to the title screen by clicking it and so far we can see our title, that have been added already. Now we're going to go down to add question to add the next type. Let's start with a matching question. By clicking matching you can see again we have a title, which is the question itself, and type in our actual question which is match the role with the appropriate department, so now you can see we have first, second, third, So let's go to the first choice here, select it and type in cashier. Hit your tab key and it moves you over to first match but it doesn't select everything so you still have to click and drag to select and type over, Down below we can select second choice, again you could use tab or just click and drag like I'm doing…
