From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

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Add a text block to a lesson

Add a text block to a lesson

- [Instructor] Well, now that we have our outline for our course created with all of these lesson titles, it's time to start adding content. There's two main categories. We can add lessons or we can add a quiz. We're going to focus on lessons and the different types of blocks we can stack within a lesson. We're going to go to our overview, so if you've been following along here as we create our new franchisee orientation for Hansel & Petal. You can see when we go to Overview, there is an Add Content button over here on the right and when we click this, you'll see as you scroll down, the two categories I just mentioned, Lesson, where we can choose from a wide range of learning blocks that we can stack one on top of the other within a lesson and there it is down below, Quiz, which we'll get to much later. Let's go to Lesson and click. Now you can see we're ready to add our first block and it will be a lesson within our Overview. Notice that there are some easy-to-choose blocks here like…
