From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

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- [Instructor] Once you've added content to your course, you may decide it's a good idea to be able to test the knowledge of your learners. Have they retained what you've presented to them in your course? The good news is with Rise 360 it's easy to add a quiz-type lesson. And that's what we're going to do in this movie. So we'll use the back button, if we're still looking at Financials, to go back to our lesson titles, and there's only one left here that does not have content. We can tell by the Add Content button next to Test your Knowledge. Let's click Add Content. And you'll notice the second option is Quiz, where we can test the learner's knowledge. Give it a click, and you're going to see the default settings. That is, the lesson titled Test your Knowledge, a space down below to describe it, and you get two questions already added for you, two different types of questions, incidentally, even though you can't tell just by looking at them here on the left-hand side. This is where…
