From the course: Leading without Formal Authority

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Shape a culture of collaboration

Shape a culture of collaboration

- Collaboration is at the center of high performing teams, but it doesn't always come naturally. People come to work with strong opinions, different working styles, and a lot of emotions. And if you work from home, coming together as a team can be even tougher. As an informal leader, your ability to shape a culture of collaboration can create a huge ripple of positive impact throughout your organization. You and your team will be more effective when you put your brains together, and you'll also develop more influence throughout your organization. Here are a few rules for collaborating, even over Zoom. Foster psychological safety. If people don't feel psychologically safe, they won't ask for or give opinions. It's too vulnerable and too risky in a toxic environment. You can help foster psychological safety for your team by nipping toxic negativity, underhanded remarks, and gossip right in the bud. And don't lose…
