From the course: Leading with a Growth Mindset

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Coaching through regular feedback

Coaching through regular feedback

From the course: Leading with a Growth Mindset

Coaching through regular feedback

- Employees want to know where they stand. They want to know how they're doing, what they can be doing better, and what they need to do to get to the next level. Continuous learning is the key to a growth mindset and a thriving culture and can be executed well when you provide ongoing coaching through feedback. If your employees are not used to getting and giving feedback, it can feel like a major challenge at first, but you can overcome this by delivering feedback on a regular basis in normal, everyday situations. This will help shape a healthy culture, one in which feedback isn't condemning or disapproving. Instead, it helps keep the lines of communication open and builds trust. Let's talk about two types of feedback, problematic, which is feedback addressing a mistake or a problem, and positive, giving praise or recognition for a job well done. Now, I'm sure you are expecting the key term constructive, but I believe that all feedback, whether problematic or positive, should always…
