From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

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Understanding Kubernetes manifests: Part 1

Understanding Kubernetes manifests: Part 1 - Kubernetes Tutorial

From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

Understanding Kubernetes manifests: Part 1

- We're now going to start deploying our website into Kubernetes. I'm super excited. I hope you're just as excited as I am. Our first step is to create the pods that will run the containers for our website's Docker image. If you recall from our earlier overview of Kubernetes, we don't want to create pods directly. Instead, we want to create deployments. Deployments will make sure that the number of pods we want hosting our website, stay up and running at all times. They also make it easier for pods to move from node to node, though that's unlikely given how small our cluster is. Before we get our hands dirty though, it's important to understand how Kubernetes manifests work. As we saw when we created our client cluster, Kubernetes creates resources through YAML files called Kubernetes manifests. You can think of them as an application describing what you're looking to create and what the thing you're looking to create looks…
