From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

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- [Instructor] This course aim to show you how easy it can be to get started with Kubernetes. We proved that we could deploy a simple website hosted by Explore California, a fictitious travel provider into a local Kubernetes cluster with kind, helm, and MEC. We then use these same tools, and deployed our website into a real Kubernetes cluster hosted by AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service or EKS. Learning the internals of Kubernetes is a great next step for increasing your fluency in the SICO system. As we saw in this course, Kubernetes is made up of several different components, and supports a wide variety of resources. It can even support custom resources that you create through custom resource definitions or CRDs. The best way to learn it's nuts and bolts, is to install Kubernetes from scratch. Kubernetes The Hard Way by Kelsey Hightower is an excellent resource in accomplishing this. Hard Way guides you…
