From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

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Logging into an AWS EKS cluster with kubectl

Logging into an AWS EKS cluster with kubectl - Kubernetes Tutorial

From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

Logging into an AWS EKS cluster with kubectl

- All right, so we've seen what a kube config looks like. This is created for us by Kind as we know. So now we have to first create a cluster quote-unquote inside of this kube config, pointing to our EKS cluster. Then we need to create a context, so that we don't have to run kubeCTL config commands all the time, and then we need to add a user with a private key that will allow us to access our EKS cluster and do things with it. That sounds like a lot of work, but fortunately, like Kind the AWSCLI makes this insanely easy to do. Let's explore that now, first we're going to install the AWSCLI with Homebrew. To do that, I'm going to type "brew, install AWSCLI." Now my installation went quickly because I've already downloaded and installed it before. It may take longer if you haven't done this, note that if you're a windows user, you can just run "Choco, install AWSCLI" for the same effect. Next I'm going to configure AWSCLI…
