From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

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Installing kind

Installing kind

- [Instructor] First, we will need to install the latest version of kind from their website. Let's open a browser and visit kind.sigs.k8s, that's short for Kubernetes, .io. Next we're going to click on Quick Start over here on the left. Once we're there, we're going to click on installation underneath contents. We're going to skip the instructions for installing kind with Golang as we might not have Go on the system and it can take a while to install. Instead, we are going to scroll down a bit for a link to the releases page, which is right here. That's going to bring us to kind's GitHub page. The latest version right now is version 0.11.1. Since we are going to automate the creation of these kind clusters, we're going to get the URL for the release we need and install it through the terminal. So let's scroll down to the list of variants for this release. Since I'm recording this on a MacBook that is using Apple's custom…
