From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

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Creating the kind cluster with make

Creating the kind cluster with make - Kubernetes Tutorial

From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

Creating the kind cluster with make

- Let's create a make recipe to install this cluster. So let's start by opening, make file in your editor. Next we're going to create a new make file rule. Let's call it target, create kind cluster with underscores. We're going to put our cluster creation command underneath it kind Create cluster dash dash name explore Also remember since we don't want this to fail unexpectedly, let's make it a phony command up here. After we put the name of the command here, I'm going to put two ampersands and then a slash to denote that we have another command on another line incoming, and then I'm going to put kubectl, get nodes to check that our nodes are healthy. You might be thinking Carlos, wouldn't it be cool if we can ensure that kind and kubectl are installed before running this, if you thought this that's an awesome idea. And it's also a great example of target dependencies. So first let's make, create kind…
