Dari kursus: Just Ask: Kwame Christian on Discussing Race

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Avoiding saying the wrong thing

Avoiding saying the wrong thing

- [Interviewer] Next, we have a question from a communication skills coach in Chicago, who asks: As a white person, I'm fearful of saying the wrong thing and wondering about the best way to start a conversation about race or inequities in my organization. - [Interviewee] This is a great question. And this is legitimate because we've all seen people who have misspoken or said the wrong thing and they offended somebody and there were serious consequences for them. So being afraid of saying the wrong thing, that is legitimate. And so let's figure out a way for us to engage in these conversations, but at the same time, minimize the risk of saying something incorrectly. Now, for me, as a business lawyer, I love a good disclaimer, and disclaimers are also great here. And when I say disclaimer, what I mean is a statement at the beginning of the conversation that clearly outlines the scope of what it is that you're doing,…
