From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Digital signature standard

Digital signature standard

- [Instructor] The Digital Signature Standard is a U.S. federal government standard for appropriate digital signature algorithms. This standard is published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, and the current version of the standard came out in 2023. It's published as Federal Information Processing Standard, or FIPS 186-5. Here's a quick look at the contents of this 80 plus page document. As you can see, it contains great detail on the acceptable implementations of digital signatures in the federal government. What you need to know about the digital signature standard is that it supports three different digital signature algorithms for use in the U.S. government. The first endorsed algorithm is the Rivest, Shamir, Adelman, or RSA algorithm. The digital signature standard endorses the uses of RSA for digital signatures described in IETFRFC 8017 and Public Key Cryptography Standard number one. The second endorsed algorithm is the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature…
