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Use Microsoft Azure IoT Hub

Use Microsoft Azure IoT Hub

- [Instructor] If we're showing the demo, I have the following things set up. First I have two app.Java program files opened with text editor. The path to the two Java program files as shown here. One is for the server app, and the other is for the simulated device app. I also opened the two terminal windows, one is navigated to the directory, to the server app, and the other is navigated to the directory of the simulated device app. The path to the two directories are shown here. Microsoft Azure IoT Hub is a fully managed service that enables reliable and secure bidirectional communications between millions of IoT devices and a solution back end. It provides device to cloud and the cloud to device communication options, such as messaging, file transfer and request a reply methods. It also provides authentication and secure connectivity. Support for mqtt, http, amqp and custom protocols as well as sdks. There are many things we can do with Azure IoT Hub but let's focus on the device…
