From the course: iOS 16: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Work with the download manager

Work with the download manager

- [Narrator] In iOS and iPadOS, Safari has a download manager where you can keep track of files that you download to your device. So if you come across a file that can't be opened in Safari itself, for example, like a zip file, you can download it to your device to open it in the files app or other appropriate app. For example, on this page under the Cycle California area we have this link that says Learn More. And when I tap that I'm asked if I want to download this file. So I'll tap download, and if you look in the address bar you can see a little circle with an arrow in it. And now the download is complete. And if I tap that arrow, I can go to downloads. And this is where you'll find all the files that you've downloaded in Safari. I just have the one that I just downloaded now. I'll tap the magnifying glass next to that file and that takes me into the downloads folder in my Files app which is the default location for…
