From the course: iOS 16: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Translate app

Translate app

- [Instructor] IOS comes with a built-in translation app called appropriately, Translate, for translating from one language to another. Let's take a look at how it works. You can use Translate in a number of different ways. It accepts both verbal input and text input. First, choose the language you want to translate here on the top left, and if you tap that menu, you'll see a list of all the languages the app can currently translate. Now, if you expect to not have an internet connection while using this app, you'll want to download the languages you think you'll be needing. At the very bottom of the list, you can select manage languages. And if you want to or expect to use any of these languages, tap the download button to the right of them to make sure you can use them on your device. Here at the top, under available offline, you can see I already have Chinese and French downloaded, so I'll be able to use them whether I have…
