From the course: Introduction to Video Sound Design

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Getting to know the language of sound

Getting to know the language of sound

From the course: Introduction to Video Sound Design

Getting to know the language of sound

- [Instructor] In order for us to get to know the language of sound, let's explore and define some technical sound terms that all work together to create a film or video's sonic makeup. We'll start with pitch. Pitch involves the frequency makeup of a sound. How many times or how frequent do sounds repeat over time? For example, a high pitched sound, which contains high frequencies, might be the sound of tires screeching as a car stops suddenly. Low pitch sound containing a lot of low frequency information is, for example, a thunderous ship's foghorn as the ship leaves port. To manipulate pitch and frequency, we can use equalization on our tracks as we record and in the post-production process. The next term we'll talk about is loudness. Loudness involves the amplitude of sound waves. In other words, how many air molecules does the sound push as it moves through space? Is it a high amplitude crash of thunder, or is it the low amplitude of a tiny whisper? To control amplitude, we can…
