From the course: Introduction to Video Color Correction

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Correcting color balance problems

Correcting color balance problems

- [Instructor] Let's now focus on problems related to color balance. I'd like to show you two shots here. This one was balanced for outdoor light but was shot indoors and this one was balanced for indoor but was shot outdoors, so this one's very blue and this one is very orange. Now, we've seen this earlier in the course, so I will correct this quite quickly, but I want to use it as a foundation for how to tackle something a little more complicated. All right, so we see the RGB parade. It is very heavily weighted toward red, so let's bring up our greens, let's bring up our blues. We want to remove the color cast first when we have such a dramatic color cast. So I'm going to come to curves, and let's go to green, and bring up our highlights, and blue. Okay, and I'm just going to add a control point in the mid tones here and bring those up as well. I'm just looking at the image. It needed to be a little more neutralized.…
