From the course: Introduction to Terraform on Azure

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Creating an internal network interface

Creating an internal network interface - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Terraform on Azure

Creating an internal network interface

- [Instructor] Now that we've created the base for our networking, let's create the network interface card that we want to be attached to our virtual network. Network interface cards are super important since it allows your virtual machines to talk to each other or communicate with different resources within your Azure environment. NICs are connected to subnets within a virtual network. They can communicate with different network interface cards within the virtual network or subnet without any extra configuration. So when you set up your virtual network, and you define that address space or subnet space, you want to make sure it doesn't overlap with other resources you want to talk to. Otherwise it won't work. For the purposes of this demo, we're going to be creating an internal network interface card so that your virtual machine won't be publicly accessed over the internet. So this will be within the virtual network…
