Dans le cours : Introduction to Career Skills in Software Development

Tools used for software development - Tutoriel Python

Dans le cours : Introduction to Career Skills in Software Development

Tools used for software development

- Various tools are used in successful software projects. A tool can be used for each phase of the software development life cycle. I'll walk you through the most common tools you're likely to encounter starting out. We'll start with the whiteboard. A whiteboard is great for brainstorming ideas, visualizing project components, and collaborating on a problem with others. I don't think I've ever been to a tech company's office that didn't contain several whiteboards. Even if you work on a project virtually, you can still use online whiteboards to get the same benefits. Next up, online collaboration software. Companies like Microsoft, Google, and Atlassian provide software that allows a team to collaborate on files together. This is vital for software projects, as requirements need to be documented, systems need to be represented visually, and presentations need to be created for stakeholders, and much, much more. Being able to collaborate on these files as a team is critical. Moving on to project management software. This allows the product manager to plan software projects and keep them on track. If you think about an app that you use every day, it's no doubt made up of several screens with lots of actions that you can take. Keeping track of each screen, button, and action could get complicated. The project management software allows you to define each task of a project, assign it to the appropriate person, and monitor the time it takes to complete. Depending on the size of your project and the company's budget, your project management software can have relatively few features or be highly configurable. Programmers rely on the project management software to help them identify what they should work on next. Integrated development environments, or IDEs, are used by programmers to write code for the project. Similar to project management software, IDEs can be simple or come with numerous features to aid a programmer in developing software application. Finally, there's good, old fashioned paper and pencil. I keep a notebook on my desk that I use to sketch simple designs, jot ideas, and outline system interactions before I begin development.

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