From the course: Introduction to C# with Unity

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Physics and collisions

Physics and collisions

- Hello, welcome to our Unity 101 videos. I'm Abdulla. In our last video, we talked about one of the most exciting subjects in game development, which is taking player input. In this video, we're going to talk about another exciting topic in game development, which is physics and collisions. So let's get started. The first thing to know about physics within Unity is that you don't really need to use physics. You can just control everything using logic with C#. But if you want to add a layer of realism to your game or unpredictability, then physics are the way to go. To use physics within Unity, you need two things. You need a Rigidbody component added to your object, and you need a collider to match it. When we created that cube previously, you'll notice that there's already a box collider applied to the GameObject. This component will be responsible to sending messages to your script, like on collision enter, for…
