From the course: Introduction to C# with Unity

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Debugging and analyzing C#

Debugging and analyzing C# - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to C# with Unity

Debugging and analyzing C#

- Previously on Unity 101 videos. Why is it not working? It worked yesterday? Hi, welcome back to our Unity 101 videos, I'm Abdullah. In our previous video, we played around with physics and collisions. And in this video, I'm going to teach you how to find problems in your code and fixing them. That's what we call debugging. So let's get started. So imagine coming back to the project we created in our last video, pressing the play button cube falling down to the plane, but nothing's happening. You go back to Visual Studio, you checked your code and nothing seems to be wrong. So what do you do in a situation like this? Well, debugging of course, but what is debugging in the context of unity? Well, Visual Studio has a powerful unity debugger that allows you to attach it to unity. You can grade break points and freeze up the execution of your code at those specific break points. So now to figure out what's wrong with…
