From the course: Introduction to C# with Unity

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Building and publishing

Building and publishing

- Hello, welcome to our Unity 101 videos. I'm Abdulla. In our previous videos, we scripted things, we created game objects. We made them move with user inputs. We debugged our code. We used physics and collisions, and now it's time to actually publish the game and build it and create an executable. So let's get started. So until now, all the changes we've been doing inside of the Unity editor has been done inside of a scene called sample scene. Scenes are saved to a file, and we usually have them inside a folder called Scenes within our project. A game or a 3D project is usually comprised of many different scenes. One can be for the intro screen, one could be for the main menu, and you can create different ones for different levels. After you created all of your scenes and want to turn it into an executable, it's now time to build. To build a unity of project, we should go to file, build settings, and that…
