Dal corso: Interaction Design: Dashboards and Visualization

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Dashboard interactivity

Dashboard interactivity

- [Instructor] When designing interactive dashboards, there's some common interactions and approaches to help users interact with their data and turn them into insights. Interactivity on a dashboard serves a few different purposes. The first is that it supports users taking action on their data. The second is to allow the user to gather more details around the data when they need to know more. And the third is to allow users to view and manipulate their data in different ways. Common elements used to support interactivity are tooltips, zooming and panning, and filtering. Dashboards provide the overview, but our users might want more contextual detail. This allows the user to get details when they need them rather than overwhelming the user interface. Small tidbits of contextual data are often in the form of tooltips. Tooltips are displayed to the user when they hover over something on the graph to give more context on…
