From the course: Instructional Design: Needs Analysis

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Introduction to data analysis

Introduction to data analysis

There are three major steps to conducting a training needs analysis, setting goals, gathering data, and analyzing data. It's that third step, data analysis, that allows you to answer important questions about the training program you are designing. Data analysis is often confused with the data presentation. So it's important to distinguish between the two. Data presentation is merely providing the results of a data-collection activity. For example, let's say your company surveys its customers and finds that it has an 80% customer satisfaction rating. Sharing the results of the survey alone is a data presentation. The limitation is it doesn't give you any actionable insight. If you were asked to design a training program that could help improve the satisfaction rating to, say 85%, you'd have to guess at what employees really needed. That's where analysis comes in. Data analysis allows you to obtain a deeper understanding of the data so you can take action. For example, what if you are…
