From the course: Instructional Design: Needs Analysis

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Determining whether training will solve the problem

Determining whether training will solve the problem

From the course: Instructional Design: Needs Analysis

Determining whether training will solve the problem

Training alone won't solve every problem in the workplace. Sometimes other factors influence good performance. A chef might have the finest culinary training you could imagine, but she won't be able to prepare a delicious steak without a good piece of meat to start with. A mechanic might be trained to fix any car, but he still needs the right tools and parts to get the job done. The needs analysis process involves separating issues that are training related from those that aren't. Training can only help people develop three things, knowledge, skills, and abilities. Knowledge is the information you need to do a particular task. Skills is the understanding of how to do that task. And ability is how well you can perform the task. An example of how knowledge, skills, and abilities interact is the process of learning to drive a car. Many aspiring drivers must first pass an exam to prove they have sufficient knowledge of the rules of the road. They then develop various driving skills, such…
