Från kursen: Instructional Design: Creating Video Training

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To script or not to script?

To script or not to script?

As you start to prepare your course's individual movies, you might wonder exactly what you should have with you when it's time to click Record. Should you outline your movies and have bullet points of all the main ideas you want to discuss? Should you script out every single word you plan to say? Should you just wing it? Obviously, there's no right way to do it. Some authors who are converting a live presentation into a video course are so familiar with the material from having presented it so many times that they can go into the recording booth with nothing but a glass of water to sip on and record their entire course off the top of their head. But that's a rarer scenario than you might imagine. Most of the time, at least here at, our authors usually spend weeks outlining their movies. Taking the time to put everything into a logical presentation order. And making sure they include the necessary information that viewers might need later in the course. Early in my own career…
