From the course: Instructional Design: Creating Video Training

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Sharing your movies

Sharing your movies

Okay, so once your video tutorials have been recorded and edited, it's time to share them with your students. How you do so is going to vary greatly depending on your specific situation. If you're a teacher at a school or university, you might have a learning management platform you can upload your movies to for your students to access. Maybe you have a personal website, or blog, onto which you want to embed your videos. Maybe you have a YouTube or a Vimeo account you've set up so students and other viewers can subscribe to your channel and receive updates any time you publish a new video. The sharing possibilities are endless, and again, I can't speak to any specific application here. But generally speaking, your video editing software is going to give you a range of options for outputting your video. If you're working with a proprietary video publishing platform like your school's learning management system, you may be required to export or save your videos in a specific format…
