From the course: Instructional Design: Creating Video Training

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Defining your course- and movie-level objectives

Defining your course- and movie-level objectives

From the course: Instructional Design: Creating Video Training

Defining your course- and movie-level objectives

Now let's talk about some strategies for defining the objectives for your video training course. How you do this obviously depends on the type of course you're creating. You may be interested in creating a multi-movie course like we do here at, or you may only need to record a single video or two. But regardless of the number of movies you intend to record, you should first have your main objective in mind. That is, what do you want your viewers to walk away with when they're done watching your videos? You might even want to try expressing it by completing this sentence, after watching these videos, viewers should be able to, blank. If your teaching a software product, do you want them to be familiar with the entire product by the time you're done? For example, here at, our essential training series is designed to take viewers through the ins and outs of an entire product covering or touching on as many features as possible. Or maybe you want to create more of a…
