From the course: Inclusive Leadership

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Develop cultural intelligence

Develop cultural intelligence

From the course: Inclusive Leadership

Develop cultural intelligence

- We just explored how to communicate inclusively, so let's build on it with a discussion on developing cultural intelligence. In my work, I find that too many managers were promoted to people leadership roles simply because they were great at managing projects, programs, and processes. But effective leadership demands more than just technical expertise or management skills. Leaders must navigate diverse environments, collaborate across cultures, and understand the nuances of different perspectives in order to foster inclusive and innovative workplaces. This necessity has given rise to the concept of cultural intelligence, also called CQ. Ever heard of it? What does this term mean to you? Pause the video and jot down your definition. (bright music) Cultural intelligence is the ability to function effectively in culturally diverse settings. It goes beyond mere cultural awareness. It involves the capability to adapt behaviors, communication styles, and decision-making approaches to suit…
