From the course: Igniting Emotional Engagement

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How to develop resilience

How to develop resilience

- The downside of getting people emotionally engaged is failure becomes more painful and more personal. And if you're tackling a big goal, there are probably some setbacks coming your way. The upside is, if you and your team care deeply, you can actually draw on that emotion to rebound more quickly and become more resilient. So how do you maintain engagement in the face of failure? The first step is don't sugarcoat it. Too often, project leaders try to be all rah rah in the face of failure. Enthusiasm is fine, but trying to brush over a failure only makes people annoyed. They lose confidence in you because they think you're clueless. If something went wrong, whether it's your fault or not, acknowledge the facts. Articulate reality without shame or blame. Next, remind everyone of the end goal. Be careful here. I mean the true end goal, not this month's quick win. What is your North Star, and why does it matter? If you're trying to improve customer satisfaction, what impact will that…
